Jacksonville in Review

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Let's Get Started...

What is this?
As the name and description indicate, here you will find reviews related to anything you might find yourself doing in or around Jacksonville, Florida. Rather than sift through various news sites or half ass websites created circa 1996, I thought I would create a simple blog that provides a much needed service. I hope to expand the list of contributors to this blog...as currently, it is a staff of one.

Who am I?
Just an average Joe trying to provide a service I would appreciate reading if I were looking for places to go or things to do in Jacksonville. I'm 32, work in the IT industry, geek by day, semi pro poker player by night. I'm a movie buff, love sports, I enjoy live music and great restaurants. I'm opinionated. My various likes and dislikes bring me all over Jacksonville which affords me the opportunity to experience various events and functions around town. However, often times, had I had an idea what I was getting myself into ahead of time, I may not have wasted the time to begin with. Hence this blog. I simply plan to write about my experiences involving all things Jacksonville. Over the next few weeks, I will be bringing on additional contributors to the Blog in hopes of creating a very diverse approach to reviews in Jacksonville.

What will we be reviewing?
I certainly do not plan on limiting our criteria. However, to shed some light, these are examples of items we plan to include:
Live Music
D.J. Services
Vacation Getaways
Local Business

While some categories may not specifically be Jacksonville, Florida related, it's really a matter of perception. As an individual living in Jacksonville, Florida...knowing a movie sucks before you head out to see it would be a great help. So, anythings open for discussion.

Be on the lookout for my first review this week!